
Published Redlics

Published OpenSource Redlics (MIT License)

Record millions of tracks and counts consuming low memory! Redlics is a gem for Redis analytics with tracks (using bitmaps) and counts (using buckets) encoding numbers in Redis keys and values. It is implemented in Ruby as a gem and available for download on


  • Tracking with bitmaps
  • Counting with buckets
  • High configurable
  • Encode/decode numbers in Redis keys and values
  • Very less memory consumption in Redis
  • Support of time frames
  • Uses Lua script for better performance
  • Plot option for tracks and counts
  • Keeps Redis clean
  • and many more, see the documentation

Get the code:

analytics, bitmap, buckets, encoding, MIT, Opensource, Redis, Redlics, Ruby
Published Wkhtmltox Binaries

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